Let's Connect



 How many times have you thought: I need to make a change in my life?

And you set out to improve something: eating healthier, being more organized, exercising every day, reducing your screen time, going to bed earlier, or all of the above and then some. All at once.

You may start strong and even do really well for a while but something happens. 

Something legitimate can thwart your efforts like getting sick or injured, or a bad mood or a rough day derails you, but the next thing you know, you've lost all momentum and are back to square one.

You feel ashamed and frustrated, and you bury your feelings, telling yourself you'll do better next time, but the truth is, you wonder if anything will ever be different.

When you've tried repeatedly to stop doing things you know aren't serving you, or to integrate good habits and it just doesn't work, it's easy to feel stuck.

Enter The Five-Step Fresh Start.

Feeling stuck is not your fault but it is an opportunity to learn how to work with your brain in a way that will change the trajectory of your life.

And it is your responsibility to take ownership of your current circumstance so that you can take advantage of this potent opportunity. 

That's precisely what The Five-Step Fresh Start is all about.


We’ll uncover why a fresh start is important to you. This will get you unstuck and build enthusiasm. If you’re not clear about why you want a fresh start you won’t get the deep new beginning our work together can facilitate. When you do know your deepest reason for wanting anything, it makes a big difference in how you feel. This session is deeply healing and afterward, you’re going to know in your heart that this process can change you.


I’ll teach you a specific way to pay attention to your heart that will begin to change the way you approach everything. Learning this way of paying attention to your heart will help you see your experiences clearly, disrupt overwhelm, and pave the way for being more intentional. We’ll practice together and determine precisely how you’ll implement this skill into your daily routine. It’s one you’ll use for the rest of your life.


We’ll determine where you experience the most resistance in your life and what you can change for the most positive impact. You’ll learn how to focus on your resistance in your daily life so that as you move forward, you recognize it as an opportunity for a fresh start. In time, this simple, but profound skill rewires your brain so that your attitude, outlook, and experience of life change for the better.


I’ll teach you why appreciation is a powerful tool that guarantees a fresh start and is rocket fuel for more positivity and optimism in your life. Appreciation is shown to change the chemical makeup of your brain and body. As you learn how to create a pattern of appreciation in your life, you increase the neurotransmitters responsible for positive emotions, life satisfaction, empathy, and vitality. 


We’ll hone in on your true intention for your life going forward. This is an important step because once you’re clear about your desired intention, you have a mission, a guidance system, and a way to know how to experience more of what you want at any given moment in time. We’ll wrap up our time together and celebrate your fresh start and all of the beautiful ways in which you’ve initiated positive changes in yourself.

Here's how The Five-Step Fresh Start works.

You get 5 1-hour private sessions with me for personal guidance for each step.

These sessions will be scheduled by you at your own pace.

During the week following each session, you'll get full support from me through Marco Polo, a free video messaging app.

How will it feel to reset your life?

This will be the beginning of a massive shift in your life.

When you shift from letting outer pressure and your inner shoulds run the show to establishing boundaries in favor of your sanity.

It might sound like No, I will not take on that responsibility because I am at capacity.

When you shift from seeing only obstacles to knowing how to move closer to what you want in the present moment.

Like instead of reacting with OH NO! and feeling a sense of dread, you respond with Ok and you're calmly focused.

When you shift from feeling constant shame and believing you're not good enough to give yourself grace by acknowledging the truth.

For example Sure, I didn't finish this one thing but I did accomplish all of this.

You'll see that these shifts in your perspective and attitude have added up to big positive changes!

Because you don't feel stuck, you're empowered, you don't dread trying to change something, you're confident, and you don't sabotage your growth, you're flourishing.


If you're ready, The Five-Step Fresh Start is here for you right now.


Is this always available?

It is now, I give myself permission to discontinue offers when they stop being satisfying for me. 

Can I reschedule or get a refund?

You may reschedule your first session, of course. If, after that session, you don't want to complete The Five-Step Fresh Start, I'll refund 50%.

Can my partner and I do this together?

Hell yeah! After you book, email me stephannie (at) stephannieweikert (dot) dom to let me know and include your partner's intake answers.

Do you have any other questions? Email me or use the Contact Stephannie link below. ❤️